81 research outputs found

    Neural Implicit Surface Reconstruction from Noisy Camera Observations

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    Representing 3D objects and scenes with neural radiance fields has become very popular over the last years. Recently, surface-based representations have been proposed, that allow to reconstruct 3D objects from simple photographs. However, most current techniques require an accurate camera calibration, i.e. camera parameters corresponding to each image, which is often a difficult task to do in real-life situations. To this end, we propose a method for learning 3D surfaces from noisy camera parameters. We show that we can learn camera parameters together with learning the surface representation, and demonstrate good quality 3D surface reconstruction even with noisy camera observations.Comment: 4 pages - 2 for paper, 2 for supplementar

    3D Face Tracking and Texture Fusion in the Wild

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    We present a fully automatic approach to real-time 3D face reconstruction from monocular in-the-wild videos. With the use of a cascaded-regressor based face tracking and a 3D Morphable Face Model shape fitting, we obtain a semi-dense 3D face shape. We further use the texture information from multiple frames to build a holistic 3D face representation from the video frames. Our system is able to capture facial expressions and does not require any person-specific training. We demonstrate the robustness of our approach on the challenging 300 Videos in the Wild (300-VW) dataset. Our real-time fitting framework is available as an open source library at http://4dface.org

    Fitting 3D Morphable Models using Local Features

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    In this paper, we propose a novel fitting method that uses local image features to fit a 3D Morphable Model to 2D images. To overcome the obstacle of optimising a cost function that contains a non-differentiable feature extraction operator, we use a learning-based cascaded regression method that learns the gradient direction from data. The method allows to simultaneously solve for shape and pose parameters. Our method is thoroughly evaluated on Morphable Model generated data and first results on real data are presented. Compared to traditional fitting methods, which use simple raw features like pixel colour or edge maps, local features have been shown to be much more robust against variations in imaging conditions. Our approach is unique in that we are the first to use local features to fit a Morphable Model. Because of the speed of our method, it is applicable for realtime applications. Our cascaded regression framework is available as an open source library (https://github.com/patrikhuber).Comment: Submitted to ICIP 2015; 4 pages, 4 figure

    Neural apparent BRDF fields for multiview photometric stereo

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    We propose to tackle the multiview photometric stereo problem using an extension of Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs), conditioned on light source direction. The geometric part of our neural representation predicts surface normal direction, allowing us to reason about local surface reflectance. The appearance part of our neural representation is decomposed into a neural bidirectional reflectance function (BRDF), learnt as part of the fitting process, and a shadow prediction network (conditioned on light source direction) allowing us to model the apparent BRDF. This balance of learnt components with inductive biases based on physical image formation models allows us to extrapolate far from the light source and viewer directions observed during training. We demonstrate our approach on a multiview photometric stereo benchmark and show that competitive performance can be obtained with the neural density representation of a NeRF.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Text2Face: 3D Morphable Faces from Text

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    We present the first 3D morphable modelling approach, whereby 3D face shape can be directly and completely defined using a textual prompt. Building on work in multi-modal learning, we extend the FLAME head model to a common imageand-text latent space. This allows for direct 3D Morphable Model (3DMM) parameter generation and therefore shape manipulation from textual descriptions. Our method, Text2Face, has many applications; for example: generating police photofits where the input is already in natural language. It further enables multimodal 3DMM image fitting to sketches and sculptures, as well as images

    Evaluation of dense 3D reconstruction from 2D face images in the wild

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    This paper investigates the evaluation of dense 3D face reconstruction from a single 2D image in the wild. To this end, we organise a competition that provides a new benchmark dataset that contains 2000 2D facial images of 135 subjects as well as their 3D ground truth face scans. In contrast to previous competitions or challenges, the aim of this new benchmark dataset is to evaluate the accuracy of a 3D dense face reconstruction algorithm using real, accurate and high-resolution 3D ground truth face scans. In addition to the dataset, we provide a standard protocol as well as a Python script for the evaluation. Last, we report the results obtained by three state-of-the-art 3D face reconstruction systems on the new benchmark dataset. The competition is organised along with the 2018 13th IEEE Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition

    Random Cascaded-Regression Copse for Robust Facial Landmark Detection

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    In this letter, we present a random cascaded-regression copse (R-CR-C) for robust facial landmark detection. Its key innovations include a new parallel cascade structure design, and an adaptive scheme for scale-invariant shape update and local feature extraction. Evaluation on two challenging benchmarks shows the superiority of the proposed algorithm to state-of-the-art methods
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